ExpressTechSip - Having a Group versus Team Mindset Toward Agile

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ExpressTechSip - Having a Group versus Team Mindset Toward Agile

After listening to this podcast, try to take an honest look at your current environment and company culture and see if you have created Groups of Individual Contributors that work together (and may get along GREAT but don’t actually collaborate)  or have you created a TEAMs of people.  Listen and make a list of questions related to your (1) Goals (2) Roles (3) Rules (4)Method (5) Mindset … and then determine… ‘are you all actually “being agile” or just “doing agile”.   How can you “Collaborate” well with your customer if you aren’t really “collaborating” as a team?

Honest Feedback Welcomed. 

Connect with The Technology Expresso Coach Jacqueline007 

You can also visit the Technology Expresso Consulting website for more information. 

Also check other podcast (or if you run into trouble playing podcast on this site) at Apple Podcasts 

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